Here are Leg 1 Results of the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League. We welcome a number of new lifters this year, including 3 teams from Powerhouse Phoenix.
Congratulations to the top 3 teams for Leg 1 – MetamorFIT1, Bionic Branch Barbell Club – Club3B, Powerhouse Phoenix1.
The top 3 lifters for Leg 1 were – Beata Banas, Sam Bonar & Joshua Davidson.
Thank you to Christopher Bass for his work in compiling the league and confirming the records achieved.
James Rutter Presented with the Health & Strength Junior Award for 2023 by Drug Control Officer, Gary Ell
For his performances and dedication to All-Round Weightlifting, the I.A.W.A.(UK) Committee unanimously agreed that James Rutter should be the recipient of the Health & Strength Junior Award for 2023.
James is showing great promise as a teen lifter and has been involved in many events throughout the year, including most of the National Fixtures and the Old Time Strongman Postal.
Gary Ell, on behalf of the IAWA(UK) Committee presented James with his award at the 2024 British Grip & Olympic Championships in Preston on 27th January.
Lifters & Officials at the 2024 British Grip & Olympic Championships
A few words about the eventfrom Steve Gardner: One minutes silence was held for Frank Allen who recently passed away, Frank was a founder member of our organisation and will be sadly missed!
We lost a few lifters through illness but fourteen lifters managed to make it onto the platform to lift on the day and a super competition it was. Big thanks to Mark and Sam Haydock for hosting the event, as they have done for many years now. Thank you to the officials (some had travelled there just to help with the refereeing on the day). Thanks to all those who helped with the loading, helping us to keep the day going.
The Grip competition was held first, and then after a short lunch break we held the Olympic lifting event.
The lifting was really top class and many records were broken and 4th attempts taken. Emily Haydock was a pocket rocket, a very strong young lady for just ten. Mollie Redfern Smith continues to gain experience as she gets a bit older now (an ancient 16 lol!), we were lucky to have Claire Nolan lifting in her first IAWA competition, a lady with a lot of ability. James Rutter showed why he was voted the best Junior performer for 2023 as he continues to learn, and shows great strength. Gary Redfern Smith had some great moments showing good pressing power, and big Graham Saxton did well as usual taking a few records too. Paul Hallam lifted well and is always a great help in the loading department. Steve Moss enjoyed his lifting back on the platform after a while, showing good technique. Josh Davidson lifted exceptionally well as he always does pulling off some great lifts. Jamie Oates was dazzling in the Grip comp, very strong, and was game enough to have a go at the Olympics despite never having tried before (a real winners attitude).
Mark Haydock was his usual exceptional self, lots of power, lots of technique and lots of energy, supporting and helping everyone on the platform. Antony Parker continues to grow in stature, demonstrating good strength and lift application. Big Matt Jones was really explosive, and all over the lifts like a rash, putting on a great performance.
During the day Trainee Refs: Ray Dews, Matt Jones and Paul Hallam, all had plenty of refereeing practice and tuition as they continue their training on the path to becoming qualified officials.
All in All…. it was Another great day for IAWA(UK)!
2024-British-Grip-Olympics-27th-January-Preston Mark Haydock Receiving the De Yoxall Shield – Best Overall Lifter for the Olympic ChampionshipClare Nolan – Best Female Lifter in the Grip ChampionshipEmily Haydock – Best Female Lifter in the Olympic ChampionshipAntony Parker – 2 Barbells DeadliftClare Nolan – 2 Barbells DeadliftEmily Haydock – 2 Barbells DeadliftGary Redfern-Smith – 2″ Vertical BarPaul Hallam – 2 Barbells DeadliftGraham Saxton – 2 Barbells DeadliftJamie Oates – One Hand Fulton Dumbbell DeadliftJosh Davidson – One Hand Fulton Dumbbell DeadliftMatt Jones – 2 Barbells DeadliftPaul Hallam – One Hand Fulton Dumbbell DeadliftSteve Moss – 2″ Vertical Bar
It is with a heavy heart that I have to report that Frank Allen passed away on Saturday 13th January aged 81.
He was one of the founders of IAWA uk and multiple title and World records holder. He had been my coach and lifting buddy since 1979.
You will be missed by all who knew you Frank
I will put out more information regarding funeral arrangements when I am given them, and it would be wonderful if we could have a great attendance from lifters past and present.
God bless you Frank.x
From IAWA(UK) President – Steve Gardner
Photos of a Legend ……Frank Allen in earlier days, he was a talented all round weight lifter and i had the pleasure of seeing him on the platform many times, performing some really great lifts! One of the original organisers of our organisation Frank also played many serving committee member roles.
In these photos Frank is seen performing a Zercher Lift, and then making the Hall of Fame Induction Award to the late great Mike Archer. Frank was himself inducted into the IAWA Hall of Fame in 2001, and in 2014 he received the IAWA Award of Merit, the highest Award that can be presented in IAWA Internationally! Frank will be missed by all who knew him.
Some events have further information to follow which will be updated throughout the year.
The IAWA(UK) Committee Recognises the hard work our promoters do in hosting these events, and together with the work Steve Gardner has completed, as our Fixture List coordinator.