International All-Round Weightlifting Association
I.A.W.A. (UK) is the United Kingdom body, affiliated to the
world body for All-Round Weightlifting – I.A.W.A..
The International All-round Weightlifting Association and the
I.A.W.A.(UK) were formed in 1987. This was to continue the long
standing tradition of old-time, All-Round Weightlifters like Cyr, Sandow,
Goerner, Inch, Pullum, Walker, Grimek and many, many other strongmen
and strongwomen. The organisations were also formed to keep alive our
weightlifting heritage and to continue to maintain records on the lifts in a
totally drug-free environment (drug testing is important to the I.A.W.A).
The world body national charter member is the American organisation,
U.S.A.W.A. The United States All-Round Weightlifting Association.
The American organisation also has a web-site .
All-Round Weightlifting today brings together lifters from every type of
lifting, Powerlifting, Olympic Weightlifting and All-Round Weightlifting with a
common bond – The joy of lifting iron in its purest form.
The lifts officially recognised must now number over 150, and include
every type of lift, from overhead lifting to harness and chain lifting.
A full competition calendar provides plenty of opportunity to lift, for lifters of
all standards. From novice to competent international and in all categories
and body weight divisions for; Juniors, Ladies, Men and Master Lifters of
both sexes (over ’40’s).
British Championships and World Championships are held every
year to find the best All-Round Weightlifters