New IAWA Referee

Congratulations to Gareth Edwards (MetamorFIT Gym, Eastbourne) who has successfully passed his probation period and is now a full referee. Many thanks to our technical committee that approved his sign off at the British Power Champs on 1st April.


British Power Championships – 1st April 2017 – MetamorFIT Eastbourne

Full Results can be found under ‘Results – National Fixtures

Report by Promoter Paul Barette –

Firstly thank you to all the lifters that participated in today’s competition. We lost Josh Davidson due to injury (we hope he makes a speedy recovery) so had 12 lifters take the platform. Max Ell took the best ladies lifter award up against Jenny Watson of Eastbourne. Rory Hoad competed against all local open lifters to take the best open but couldn’t quite catch Pete Tryner who received best masters and overall champion. A very warm welcome to Steve Shah (68) and Martin Doolan (76) who lifted tremendously well in their first national comps. We were treated to a feat of strength show and record breaking attempts by Jenn Tibbenham and Gary Ell as our half time entertainment. Finally a massive thank you to Chris Bass for scoring, Frank Allen for drug testing (2 tests were carried out), Natalie Voce, Jenn Tibbenham and our other referees. A special mention also to our loaders and supporters. Thank you everyone for a great day.


Midlands Open All-Round – 4th March 2017 – Grimsby

The Midlands Open All-Round promoted by Chris Bass was held last weekend.

Full results can be found under Results/Local Fixtures.

The winner of the Bill Jelly trophy for the Open was Josh Davidson, with Matthew Wells as runner up. Mark Haydock won the Pete Ready trophy for best Master with Steve Andrews 2nd & Pete Tryner 3rd.

Here is Steve Sherwood in action….

Postal League Results Leg 1

The First Leg of the postal results have been uploaded to the website (Results – Postal League 2017). (Amended file now includes Castlemilk)

Congratulations to the top 3 teams:

Norn Irn

MetamorFIT 1

Iron Clan

Also to the top 3 lifters – Steve Andrews, Steve Sherwood and Phil Crisp.

Spencer Set Top 3 – Steve Andrews, Steve Sherwood and Clive Madge.

British Grip Champs Saturday 4th Feb 2017 – Promoter Mark Haydock

Full Results can be found under ‘Results – National Fixtures’

Report by Promoter Mark Haydock:

Big thank you and well done to all the IAWA lifters who made the trip to The Lion’s Den on saturday! There was some exceptional lifting on display, Chloe Brennan with a nice 150kg deadlift on the 2″ bar, Max Ell made some tidy lifts and continues to show great progress under the guidance of dad, Gary Ell! Speaking of Gary Ell, he pulled his biggest ever deadlift even though it was a 2″ bar, must be more in the tank then Gary!! Good to see Steve Moss back in action, the old back injury held out and he made some great lifts.Pete Tryner lifted really well with solid lifts across the board despite no preparation and carrying an injury! Matt Wells put in his usual classy performance with his flawless speed and style. Matt Jones had a good start on the dumbbell Walk but misjudged his opener on the push press which cost him dearly, he’ll be back though. Josh Davidson looked super strong with a nice 270 pull to end his set of lifts. As always we had a good Scottish contingent! Although he grumbled about the bar being too heavy and too cold Matt Finkle overcame a misload and made some solid lifts, double bodyweight deadlift on a 2″ bar, nice! George Dick was on form as ever, however he took the sensible approach and only did one attempt with the Dumbbell Walk! James McKenna looked solid on all lifts and still keeps moving up the leader board every time he lifts. Andy Tomlin was on fine form, I still think he has a 200kg 2″ bar deadlift in him before he turns 50…!? The youngest lifter of the day was Natalie The Myth Haydock,, 7 years old, 24kg with a nice 30kg deadlift to finish.
Extra special thanks must go out to Chris Bass and his daughter Alison who made the trip across country to run the announcing/scoring desk and making sure everything ran like a well oiled machine!! Thanks to Sam and Emily for brewing up, Holly for photos, and Amy for cheerleading Natalie!!

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