IAWA Strength Journal – Dec 19

So if the postman didn’t have quite enough to handle this Christmas, he also has the latest issue of the IAWA Strength Journal to deliver!. Please note: This will be the last automatic mailing (in paper format) of the Journal. We will continue to produce the Journal and it will be available on our website (click here) or email if you prefer. For any of our IAWA Members not online a copy can be produced and mailed on request.Your editors for 2020 will be Paul Barette and Steve Gardner.

May I take this opportunity to Wish All of you and your families A Very Merry Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year! – Paul Barette ?️‍♀️??️‍♂️??

Changes to Southern Fixtures for 2020

There is a change to the originally published Southern Fixtures for next year and two new events have been added.

Venue: Hailsham or TBC

Promoters: Phil Crisp and Nick Swain Email: phillipecrisp@yahoo.com

Sunday 17th May – Southern Shield (not MetamorFIT as originally published)

Lifts: One Hand Dumbbell Press, 2×2” Vertical Bar Lift, One Hand Deadlift

Sunday 21st June – Southern Strength Show

(Strongman comp and IAWA Records event)

Sunday 23rd August – Southern All-Round

Lifts: 2 Hand Pinch Grip, Pullover at Arms Length, Cheat Curl


Postal League – Leg 6 Results

The final leg (6) results of the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League for 2019 have been uploaded to the website and can be found here.

A very big thank you to Christopher Bass for all his work in compiling the results and confirming the records.

Congratulations to Granby1, Castlemilk and Sunbury1 as the top 3 teams for this leg. The top 3 lifters were Rick Meldon, Steve Sherwood & Steve Andrews. As this is the final leg, please take a moment to read the final placings and if you qualify for an award please contact Frank Allen (MetamorFIT Lifter awards will be requested by Paul Barette).

Well done to everyone that participated for the year!

IAWA Hall of Fame

Information for the IAWA (UK) Hall of Fame has been uploaded to the website.

This is archive material from the old IAWA Website. You will find information on the scheme as well as a list of previous nominees and a report on their awards.

It can be found here.


Online memberships and Renewals

We are pleased to announce that applications for Membership and Membership Renewals can now be handled online, powered by MemberMojo.

There is a new Membership page which has been added to the website and can be found here.

Payment options are PayPal (account or card payment), Bank Transfer and Cheques can still be accepted.

For anybody that does not wish to use the new online system a manual form can be found on the downloads page.

2020 Fixtures

The 2020 IAWA (UK) Fixtures, International Fixtures, Southern Fixtures and All-Round Postal League Lifts have been uploaded to the website.

They can be found here.

As with previous years, any red highlighted lifts will open a link to the official IAWA (UK) YouTube channel for an example of that particular lift.

Contacts & Executive Committee update…..

Following the AGM on 30th November 2019, changes to the Executive Committee and Contacts have been updated on the website. They can be viewed here.

A warm welcome to Neil Keddy who is joining the committee in the newly created position of Disability Lifting Liaison Officer.

Postal League Results – Leg 5

The latest results from the Bob Smith All-Round Postal League – Leg 5, kindly compiled by Christopher Bass have been uploaded to the website here.

Congratulations to the top 3 teams – Granby1, Castlemilk & Sunbury1.

The top 3 lifters this leg were – Rick Meldon, Andy Tomlin & Steve Sherwood.

Postal League Results – Leg 4

The latest set of results from the All-Round Postal League can be found here.

Thank you to Christopher Bass for compiling the league and verifying the records. Congratulations to our top 3 lifters – Steve Sherwood, Steve Andrews & Gary Ell. The top 3 teams this leg were Granby1, Castlemilk & MetamorFIT1.

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